Operation ‘So Long Facebook’

(Click here for pt. 2 of #opsolongfb)

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog!

This page is part of a bigger project. The project to finally get off Facebook for good….The legendary social network…

There are many reasons to leave Facebook and many reasons to stay on it. Arguably, there are a lot of advantages connected with staying. I mean, there is a reason that despite all these close-to-criminal terms of services, despite the fact that everything you post automatically becomes property of Facebook, despite the (very) addictive properties and despite not knowing whatever happens to ones data…many people choose to remain part of the network.

And I can perfectly empathize with that. My decision to quit Facebook is a hard one. It means making life more complicated and potentially losing contacts that could be useful in the future. Not to speak of the useful event function I won’t be able to use anymore. How will I know what’s going on in my city, in the world? Will I not miss out on many opportunities to meet people online and in real life? The answer to that is probably…yes, I will. The question then is, if this will actually affect my life negatively. And the answer to that is…I don’t know. Only time will tell.

So far I have ben off the grid for a bit more than a week and I feel very good about it. Contrary to what I would have expected, I had a socially and creatively very satisfying time. The cause for that could be my Facebook blackout. But who knows? I would love to conclude that leaving Facebook improved my life but it’s clearly to early to tell. What I can say so far though: The action to pick up a cellphone and call a friend to get dinner is much rather taken if not given the instant gratification that Facebook provides. Without a constant illusion of a social life, I feel much more prone to actually having one. Also, without my lengthy dwelling times, staring at a screen and waiting that someone – oh someone –  would please LIKE the picture I just posted, unsurprisingly I have more time to go out, play guitar or study.

But I’m only in the first phase of my operation. At this point, my Facebook profile is merely deactivated. This means that nobody can see it, but I can reactivate it by merely logging in. Until I actually delete my account, (hopefully) nuking all the information I ever posted, some steps want to be taken. And one of these steps was to crate a WordPress blog. So hi there :).

In sum, my plan is to replace many of the advantages that Facebook offers. I am spreading my email address to people I want to stay in touch with. I created this blog in order to still share interesting things I found on the web. I relaunched my twitter for similar purposes. I discovered Flickr for sharing my photos without giving away the copyright to hands, smelling of corporate money.  And when I want to meet people, I recently started doing something I haven’t done in a while. I picked up a phone and called. And it worked!

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have the illusion that all this will replace Facebook. But I do have the illusion that I don’t have to accept all these concerns connected to my Facebook profile in order to have a satisfying social life and a good experience on the internet. Let’s see if this is indeed an illusion.

I’d say…Operation ‘so long Facebook’…initiated.


29 thoughts on “Operation ‘So Long Facebook’

  1. Hallo David,
    darf ich auf deutsch schreiben? Ich verstehe zwar, was du schreibst, aber ich kann meine Antwort nicht auf englisch formulieren …
    Ich finde dein Experiment sehr interessant. Und ich finde noch einen Punkt dabei bedenkenswert: Facebook suggeriert einem mehr soziale Kontakte als ein Mensch wirklich bewältigen kann, sei er auch noch so gesellig, aufgeschlossen und kommunikativ. Will sagen: weniger ist manchmal mehr.
    LG Luise (Blogliebende, Facebooknichtmögende)

  2. Aber natürlich darfst du auf deutsch schreiben :). Schon zu sehen, dass du mitliest!
    Das hauptproblem an Facebook finde ich, dass es, wie du schon sagtest, soziale Kontakte suggeriert. Die kontakte sind nicht echt. Es ist mehr wie auf einer großen Party, wo man die Hälfte der Leute nicht kennt und man derart mit stimuli überladen wird, dass man kaum noch mit denjenigen kommunizieren kann, mit denen man ursprünglich auf die Party gegangen war. Blogs sind wie eine ruhiges Café 😉

  3. Ich hab keinen öffentlichen, bloß einen privaten “Das Foto-des-Tages”-Blog. Die Zugangsdaten schicke ich dir per Mail.
    Aber ich liebe es, Blogs zu lesen. Am liebsten die “ganz normalen” von “normalen” Leuten. Fremdem Leben zuzugucken, sozusagen, auch wenn diese Leben natürlich verfremdet sind und nur einen Ausschnitt zeigen. Für mich als Geschichtenschreiberin auch beruflich interessant.

  4. dont worry about losing contacts just cuz you close fb

    we dont need fb to meet up in amsterdam an have nice talk about some random subject

    i cheer for your decision tho myself is not ready jet to let go of the social-fakebook

    hope to stay in contact

    greetz from otter

  5. awesome and inspiring, i’m looking forward to your “test results”! it’s a little bit like an anthropological research isn’t it? i’ll put you on my news feed! love caroline

    • They were positive. Today I requested to have my account deleted (which takes the 14 day, strangely enough). I’m right now writing a post on my experiences so far and how the second part of the operation looked like. You can probably read it tomorrow 🙂

  6. from one who already did this operation last year, i fully support it :).

    i reactivated my account after 2 months i think? but it is like it was gone forever anyway. i never felt that attraction for the click on the facebook page anymore, and i hardly look at it now. when i use it is everything but compulsive or with expectations…it’s great.

    so ye, go ahead little bro, blogging is great!! i have to start again to write, i like it so much.

    i just missed one part. internship in california??which internship in california??? 🙂

    we do need to catch up.

    a big hug from your big sister 🙂


    • ELIII!
      So yeah, I just did a request to have to account permanently deleted. So if I should ever come back I’d have to create a new account. Let’s see how it’s going. But I think once off FB you realize how uniportant it can be. So good for you that in this way you got over your addiction ;).

      And yeah…Internship in Cali. I’m leaving soooon if everything works out as I want it to. Round mid march I think. But since I also discovered blogging for me, I will keep you updated this way.

      Facebook is like a party with loud music so that you end up not even hearing your friends. Blogging is like a café where you can sit and exchange information. Calmly. Relaxed.

      We’ll need to meet up before I leave dear Eli!

      • aaah, i had my mouse on the button but i didn’t do it. i’ll just try not to be on facebook at all this week, and after that i’ll do it!

      • If you only deactivate for a week that’s not definitive at all. You can just log on again and back you are. It’s better to check how it is not to be on Facebook, because you’ll get reactions of people about your closed profile and there’s more of a psychological border 🙂

      • Hi Caroline,
        You have deactivated your Facebook account. You can reactivate your account at any time by logging into Facebook using your old login email and password. You will be able to use the site like you used to.
        The Facebook Team

      • wow, i feel so much lighter, how exactly do you permanently remove it? have a good youtube video explaining it? it must be pretty complicated i think

      • It’s easy. Just open the help file and sear for ‘delete’. It’s the first option that pops up and it’s not difficult at all. But if I were you I’d give people to chance to reconnect with you. I wrote about that in the second part 🙂

  7. Pingback: Operation ‘So Long Facebook’, pt. 2 | Because

  8. That is very brave of you. Congratulations! This is something I have been debating for several years but haven’t had the courage to do. So, I am curious to know how it works out for you.. :-).

    • Hey Fatema, good to hear from you. It’s quite an interesting experience so far…Already published the second part of this experiment, and I should get writing on a third one. The trick of deactivating your account in the first place, is to do it by impulse, not to think about it too much. And then, for a week, just see how things are without it. If it sucks you can always reactivate 🙂

  9. hepa!

    congrats for the internship. whens it gonna start? i definetly want to see you before you leave my dearest brother and as im outa hospital again and able to eat food 😉 how about a vistit? do you have time and nerves to take care of me for a couple of days?

    hugs from berlin

    • Of course I know who you are silly :). What are you saying about hospital? I feel like there’s a lot you didn’t tell me…Let’s get on skype soon. And I would host you at any moment I’m present myself. So if you are ready to come here VERY soon, that’d be amazing. I’m leaving in about 10 days :). And I would also make you food. That you can eat again. Of which I didn’t know you couldn’t. ARRGHHH!

      • ten days?! dammit. dunno if I can make it this fast. im still a bit shaky. I was in hospital for the same reason as when you where here, it just got worse and worse and i threw up everything in the end. but its ok again now 😉 how long are you staying in california?

      • Heey…Just try, I would love for you to be here before I leave, and if it’s only some days. Let me know if you an make it ;). I’ll be down there for three months and then continue to Ecuador for roughly two months. So it’s quite a bit that I’m gone.
        So happy to hear tht you’re better now! Maybe it’s good you didn’t tell me, else I’d have had to go to Berlin…And maybe write to my email address now. This blog is not the most prvate place possible 😉

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